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Research Reports
Since its inception in 2004, The Leaderboard has analyzed domestic public companies of all sizes to track the progression of women in the corporate boardroom. In our 2015 report, we noted that only 14.1% of board seats in the Russell 3000 were held by women. We’ve made meaningful strides since 2015, with 50/50 Women on Boards reporting that 29.2% of Russell 3000 board seats were occupied by women as of September 30, 2023. Additionally, 36.5% of the 455 new directors who joined boards in Q3 2023 were women.
The Leaderboard brings a unique perspective to these findings, with many of its member organizations publishing similar research, but at a regional level where our member organizations serve their local communities. Below are the research findings from our member organizations. For additional reporting from prior years, see the Archived Reports links at the bottom of this page.
BoardBound By Women’s Leadership Foundation, Colorado
Executive Alliance, Maryland
Inforum, Michigan
OnBoard, Georgia
OnBoardNC, North Carolina
The Boston Club, Massachusetts
The Forum of Executive Women, Pennsylvania
Archived Reports
Become a Member Organization
Is your organization focused on promoting female leaders to the boardroom? We’d love to talk with you about becoming a member of The Leaderboard! Fill out this form, and we’ll be in touch.